Sunday, May 17, 2009

Illustration Friday: Contagious

I haven't looked at anyone else's pictures yet, but this was the idea that immediately came to mind. As a public school teacher, I spend my days breathing germs that my students are constantly spewing. But I have only gotten sick once in the past five years, and that time, even though my temp was 102, I was better two days later.

It would be nicer to think of happy contagious things--like smiles or laughter, but this has been a hard couple weeks for me. I'm surprised I'm doing any art at all--and I haven't been able to muster the energy for the kinds of things I've been working on. So this was just a little pen sketch (from Friday, no less) glued down on another piece of paper, and played with. Playing is good. Playing may just get me and my two sons through the rest of this school year, if not unscathed, then still who we are.

(This whole thing was just a bit too big for my scanner in all directions, so this is cropped....)


  1. hai nice blog... visit my blog too..

  2. I find the act of being creative, producing and playing to be a good distraction from lifes hurdles. So hang in there and keep up the good work.

  3. Scary thought all those germs swirling around!!
    Feel better!

  4. My husband taught HS Biology for years and often did get sick from students. HS kids do not stay home when sick!

  5. wow you must have an amazingly strong immune system! :-) lovely illustration! i like your previous ones too

  6. My mom's a school librarian and she's constantly washing her hands. Great illustration!

  7. Sorry to hear it's so difficult - you must be counting the days. Beautiful work.

  8. Great way to show the feeling of invading germs! If only we could see them like this and then we could avoid them!

  9. I am crazy for your drawings. I love the parade too.

    If only people would cover their mouths.

    Love Renee xoxo

  10. excellent illustration for the topic, all in all we are all so exposed to viruses and bacterias it's sometimes amazing we aren't constatntly ill

  11. Ooi. Its really irritating when you know you're surrounded by virus and can't really do anything about it. By the way, Really interesting illustration:)

  12. Very appropriate for all the fear flying around about flu these days!You must be doing something right to have such a good immune system. Well done!! Children have this uncanny way of making life simply the best, even at the worst moments.
    Best wishes to you concerning your family issues.
    Hang in there!

  13. Really love all the texture you have going on in this illo. The pink swirl. Looks like all the viruses and germs are ready for their invasion, as always right?

  14. Wierd and wonderful. I guess that really is what contagious really is - that there is so much out there but only a little of it ever gets to bother us.

  15. I think sketching as playing is the best. My contagious image started out just the same way. Yours turned out great, I like the sense of movement you captured.
