Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yield #3

This is the last one of the three I started for the Illustration Friday topic "yield." These are all people "yielding" to reality. Perhaps it's not a reality that you can see, but it is the spirit of the universe, the currents flowing through them. I hope it's obvious that there is a certain amount of joy there, or at least peace.

Frankly, I am glad to be done with these three. I actually had an IDEA, and figured out a way to express that idea, but I've really missed having reference materials. My "out of my head" faces just aren't as "real" as the ones I draw from either life or photographs. And because these started out basically as the light and dark swirls, bodies fit into those patterns more or less. It WAS fun to work on these--this last one I did most of the work on last night while my partner was repotting all of my cacti and succulents, on HIS birthday, no less--but I am looking forward to working on something more "solid" somehow soon. After I finish grading at least a minimum of the gazillion things I brought home over spring break to grade.


  1. Like all your work there is a wonderful flow - I think the faces work quite well as they are - in that they fit in with the style of the bodies - in most of your other work there is more of an obvious focal point - I guess with one sitter you might have the eyes to focus on or the tip of the nose and perhaps the sweep of this work leads us somewhere that we are not seeing - because it is off the page - if that make's sense - I could imagine it as a quartyer of a large complete circle with something in the middle perhaps? Who knows :)

    see you!

  2. "Yielding to reality"...that is so powerfully said and drawn. You have incredible skill.

    Greetings from Wichita, Kansas! Have a lovely Monday!
