Monday, May 27, 2013

Rust Princess and others....

It is now summer vacation, perhaps not officially until tomorrow, but the semester is over, grades are in, my room is packed up for the summer, and I am checked out.  Every year I haul home at least one crate of things to work on over the summer, and every year I haul the same crate back untouched.  This year, I'm saving myself the trouble.  This year, I am going to be traveling a lot, and when I'm home, I plan on making lots of art, playing lots of music, and making major improvements in my many out-of-control gardens.  

Unfortunately, I got a cold the last two days of finals, and really didn't want to do anything but lie in bed.  But I'm better today, and since it's been storming all day, and I can't work in the garden, it's art-time.  
Here are two more drawings on some of the rusted paper I made a couple weekends ago on our art-group retreat to the lake.


  1. that's a really cool effect! I'll try to remember to test it out myself sometime!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, I love your work. I am currently doing an art foundation course and came across your blog. I've recently been using some of your rust imagery in my metal corrosion project as contextual research - I've credited your blog but would love to include your name and a little bit of information about your arty career, could you email me sometime, i would appreciate it very much!
