Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Illustration Friday: Immovable

When I think immovable, truly immovable, I think of mountains, continents, even single boulders, but people too can be immovable. The force of a person's will is a mighty thing to behold.

I started a picture yesterday that I was really liking. This was the one I started while I was waiting for the ink wash to dry on the other one. I'm not sure I'd really call it done, but it's done in that I'm not going to do anything else to it, because I don't know what I can do to make it any better, so this is it.


  1. very true, the infallibility clause is their downfall. great drawing.

  2. I like this concept! and I like the cross hatching it reminds me of an etching,thankyou for your lovely comment!

  3. I thought it was an illustration of Lenin at first glance - excellent art!

  4. immovable in your decision to let this drawing be? ;) I really like the style!
