Saturday, September 17, 2011

Skewed Sketch #16--Mesmerizing

There are several things I consistently find mesmerizing. One is drawing, making cross-hatching, watching the patterns emerge, the black of the ink against the white of the paper, watching the images emerge and develop, as the thing I'm drawing comes to life.

Another is watching patterns in nature--water going down a stream, leaves in trees, the ripple of grasses when the wind is across them.

Another is watching children. I never tire of that, even though my own kids are grown now. Perhaps it's a good thing that I'm a teacher, although I don't really think of teenagers as children.

And then there's reading. I can't even contemplate how much of my life I've spent reading (a whole lot less now than I used to as a child, young adult, and not-so-young adult), but reading is the ultimate mesmerization, as it takes you out of your own life and into someone else's life.

It's only accidentally that I have a post for this week's topic, as I was just making another "skewed sketch" at school while my kids were doing their MAP tests (Measure of Academic Progress), and then I saw that this week's topic actually fit the picture I was making.


  1. A wonderful sketch! Perfect - captures the theme so well!

  2. Your line work is absolutely mesmerizing! I like what mesmerizes you, too--especially the drawing & reading :) Marvelous sketch!

  3. Great sketch and superb hatching skills!!

  4. Great sketch! Agree with you, cross-hatching is mesmerizing. And so is watching your drawing... :-)

  5. I understand the mesmerizing effect of cross-hatching. Great drawing!

  6. I'm mesmerized by all of the things you mentioned, especially books. Wonderful drawing! I just love all the energy in your line work.

  7. Another great drawing, and yes, appropriate for the topic! Where would we be without books?!

  8. AHHH IT'S BEAUTIFUL :O... i agree completely... I love creating odd patterns and textures when i draw :3... There's a fluidity and freeness to it... kind of like doodling (you know when you're talking on the phone and you start creating w/o really thinking? ahah if you get that lol).... and i have a great love for books as well :3... continue with the amazingness

  9. Such marvelous crosshatching. There are so many wonderful gifts out there, free for the taking (or to be taken with?) and a little observation! :o)
