Saturday, July 11, 2009

Illustration Friday: Hollow

I wish I had the lyrics to a song that some friends of mine sing (their band is called Lila). It's all about being hollow, and how necessary that it--for a cup to hold wine, for a flute to play music, and for a soul to soar. It's a lovely song, and this picture doesn't do it justice. But I'm happy to report that all my reference materical came from my own sketchbook (not that you could tell or anything)--from a sketch of a friend playing a wooden flute at an Irish jam, and another friend giving a flute recital, mostly for how the hands go and how they hold the thing. My initial sketch had the flute going the other way, and I had no idea how their hands went. This is quick, on a crappy piece of paper that I managed to pull out of a pad which had ink spilled and then dried on it. Oh well.


  1. nice take on prompt - like the radiating lines & color

  2. I adore the background and color! It vibrates!

  3. Can't believe it's just a quickie - it's wonderful! And I love the back-story too.

  4. Finally something musical!:D
    it's so free it makes me think the playing would have been exactly the same! very nice take on the topic!!!

  5. your image is so lovely, really inspiring! I love your background it adds so much depth to the illustration! x

  6. Well, you turned a crappy piece of paper into a beautiful work of art! Very nice! And thank you so much for your constructive criticism on my chickens in the hollow. I put some contrast into the background as you suggested...Now if the piece sells I'll have to send you a commission! :)

  7. thanks for visitng my blog. Your illustration is very nicely composed and has a lot of movement to it. Very nice.

  8. Thank you for feedback :) I like following your blog too, and discovering your points of view,
    Your interpretation of the hollow theme is surprising, I never thought about it..
    And your drawing makes me appreciate this concept
    It's sweet and honest

  9. beautiful drawing...the 'sunburst' effect of the background lends a wonderful energy to the work.

  10. For a quick one this turned out just lovely!! I like the background you've made - lots of movement - I can almost hear the music!

  11. What an interesting take on the prompt! And I do love the energy on the drawing, one can really feel th energy of the music.

  12. What a great drawing, especially those wonderful hands. I find hands so torturous. Also love the textural waves of music. Wonderful!
